This page will contain other links to pages we (or our visitors) like.
- The Editing Room - don't waste your life watching crappy films, read Rod Hilton's abridged scripts instead!
- Cinemorgue - kimd of similar to what we're doing, but with a strong emphasis on actor names.
- The Agony Booth - articles and reviews about truly awful films (although they've included Ralph Bakshi's rotoscoped Lord of the Rings masterpiece, so we nearly didn't add them as a protest!).
Regular visitors to the site (and forums!) may also get a link if they ask nicely...
- Mathew's Blog - Forum regular and review submitter Matt shows his off the wall creativity with this imaginatively named blog.
Finally, we received a shameless marketing ploy intended to get a reciprocal link in the form of the following "Lo Pan Award":
Our coveted "Lo Pan Award"