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All reviews on are original work and may not be republished without permission from the site admins. This will generally be given provided the source is acknowledged and a link to our site is provided.

All trademarks, logos and intellectual property in this site are property of their respective owners and are being used in the context of a review which we believe is allowed in the "fair use" clause of copyright law.
We use low resolution screenshots from DVDs for which copyright is likely to be owned by the studio that made the film, and in some cases the actors who appear in the image.
Again, we believe that using these screenshots is allowed under fair use in the context of a critical review.
If you believe we are violating your copyright please let us know.


The whole reason we started this site was because of our love of films. The last thing we want is for anyone to have a film spoiled for them. For this reason we urge people to only read entries for films they have seen, or that they are unlikely to care about.
We deliberately keep preview information to a minimum (eg: the 'latest added' section on the front page), so spoilers should only occur in the detail view for individual deaths.

Parental Advisory

We consider this site to be tongue-in-cheek and inoffensive, but we realise that not everybody may agree. We try and refrain from swearing in our reviews, but the nature of the site obviously involves killings, brutal murders and a modicum of slaughter. The average teenager won't find anything new here to shock them though.

In short then, we don't consider this site to be suitable for young children (say, pre-teens). However, as a responsible parent we're sure you don't allow your sprogs unfettered access to the moral cesspit of the Internet anyway, so there shouldn't really be a problem.

By the way, for what it's worth, we've voluntarily tagged our pages accoring to the SafeSurf schema as containing "Graphic Violence" and warning adult supervision is needed. It wouldn't have deterred us when we were ten years old though...


All coding and database design : Celerity Design

Icon design by Mr. Mouseburger and Old Bluffer.

All reviews as credited.

The Awesome Cartoon Illustrations on this site are provided by The Phantom Doodler.
This legendary super hero is available for original commissions, so if you know of a website that needs some fantastic eye candy, get in touch with him!

Special Mentions

  • Squire Lobster for sundry graphics, useful SQL advice and enthusiastic feedback.
  • Cannarwilm for taking his own good time with our promised Spock review (12 months and counting!)

Webhosting and technical maintenance provided by : Celerity Design

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